European, Middle Eastern and African Bean-to-Bar Competition 2021-22 – Winners


The International Chocolate Awards is pleased to announce the Winners of the 2021-22 European, Middle Eastern and African Bean-to-Bar Competition, which was judged remotely, over spring, 2022.

The Bean-to-Bar competition focuses on fine, craft and micro-batch chocolate makers who work directly from cacao beans to produce plain/origin and flavoured chocolate bars from Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Winners will go through to the World Final later in 2022. The competition was supported by our regional German partner


The judging panel for this competition included our regular European judges, along with many of our IICCT alumni,  other specialists from the local area and members of our international Grand Jury panel.

All judging was anonymised, included at the Grand Jury final session, where Golds, Silver and Bronze prizes were awarded by private voting according to the 2022 Grand Jury rules.

All Gold, Silver and Bronze winners in this competition are eligible to enter the World Final later in 2022.



(Prizes are shown in alphabetical order for each medal)

'Best in competition' overall winners

Plain/origin dark bar categories

Gold: Duffy's  (United Kingdom) - Duffy's Guatemala Rio Dulce 70%

Plain/origin milk bar categories

Gold: Vigdis Rosenkilde  (Norway) - 60% Dark milk chocolate ( * Cacaosuyo / Theobroma Inversiones SAC)

Plain/origin bars

Plain/origin dark chocolate bars

Gold: Vigdis Rosenkilde  (Norway) - 70% Piura ( * Cacaosuyo / Theobroma Inversiones SAC)

+ Gold: Direct Traded

Silver: Aruntam - Sensory Chocolate  (Italy) - 72% Dark Chocolate Tanzania Kamili

+ Gold: Organic

Silver: Chocolaterie Morin  (France) - Pérou Chanchamayo 63%

Silver: Friis-Holm Chokolade  (Denmark) - Chuno 70% Double Turned

Silver: Friis-Holm Chokolade  (Denmark) - Don Alfonso 70%

Silver: Friis-Holm Chokolade  (Denmark) - Madagascar 64% Fast Dried

Silver: Friis-Holm Chokolade  (Denmark) - Madagascar 64% Slow Dried

Silver: Friis-Holm Chokolade  (Denmark) - Medagla 70%

Silver: Meybol Cacao  (Germany) - Chungui 75%

Silver: Meybol Cacao  (Germany) - Inti

Silver: Meybol Cacao  (Germany) - Solo Kakao 90%

+ Gold: High %

Silver: Pump Street Chocolate  (United Kingdom) - Peru 72% - Don Ramon's Farm

+ Gold: Chocolate Maker

Silver: Vigdis Rosenkilde  (Norway) - 70% Kiteni ( * Cacaosuyo / Theobroma Inversiones SAC)

Silver: Vigdis Rosenkilde  (Norway) - 80% Echarate ( * Cacaosuyo / Theobroma Inversiones SAC)

Bronze: Aruntam - Sensory Chocolate  (Italy) - 100% Dark Chocolate Tanzania Kamili

Bronze: Chocolat Madagascar  (Madagascar) - Single Terroir Ambohimena 100%

+ Gold: 100%

Bronze: Chocolate Simón Coll i Chocolate Amatller  (Spain) - Aromatic Cocoa: 74% Madagascar

Bronze: Chocolaterie Morin  (France) - Equateur Esmeralda 100%

Bronze: Coppeneur  (Germany) - Single Origin Cru - Madagaskar 75%

Bronze: Friis-Holm Chokolade  (Denmark) - Barba 70%

Bronze: Friis-Holm Chokolade  (Denmark) - La Dalia 100%

Bronze: Friis-Holm Chokolade  (Denmark) - La Dalia 60%

Bronze: Friis-Holm Chokolade  (Denmark) - La Dalia 70%

Bronze: Friis-Holm Chokolade  (Denmark) - O'Payo 68% Organic

Bronze: Friis-Holm Chokolade  (Denmark) - Rugoso 70%

Bronze: Friis-Holm Chokolade  (Denmark) - Shrigley - Chocolate is not the problem

Bronze: Le chocolat des Français  (France) - Noir Origine - Pérou ( * Morin)

Bronze: Le chocolat des Français  (France) - Noir Origine - Rep Dominicaine ( * Morin)

Bronze: PERÚ PURO Chuncho Gold  (Germany) - Chuncho Gold Grand Cru 70% ( * Max Felchlin AG)

Bronze: Vigdis Rosenkilde  (Norway) - 70% Echarate ( * Cacaosuyo / Theobroma Inversiones SAC)

Micro-batch - Plain/origin dark chocolate bars

Gold: Duffy's  (United Kingdom) - Duffy's Guatemala Rio Dulce 70%

+ Gold: Chocolate Maker

+ Gold: Direct Traded

Silver: 20°NORD 20°SUD  (France) - Kokoa Kamili 76% Tanzanie

Silver: Bellantoni Cioccolato  (Italy) - 64.5% Madagascar affinato in rovere

Silver: Beskid Chocolate  (Poland) - Kuba Baracoa 70%

Silver: Castelanne  (France) - Perou Chuncho Urusayhua

Silver: Castelanne  (France) - Venezuela Aragua

Silver: ChocoBio  (France) - Chocolat noir 71% Nicaragua

Silver: Chocolate Tree  (United Kingdom) - Arhuaco Colombia 70%

Silver: Chocolatoa  (Belgium) - Nicaragua SJM Matiguas 70%

Silver: Chocolatoa  (Belgium) - Tanzania Kokoa Kamili 80%

Silver: Depetris Riccardo / Depetris...i Ciculaté  (Italy) - Cioccolato del Monviso - Madagascar 68%

Silver: Duffy's  (United Kingdom) - Duffy's Honduras Indio Rojo 72%

Silver: Essenzo Cacao  (Spain) - Uganda Semuliki 80%

Silver: Krak  (Netherlands) - Krak - Belize - Peini Plantations 70%

Silver: La Brigaderie de Paris  (France) - Amazonia Tuerê 70%

Silver: La Brigaderie de Paris  (France) - Guarani 70%

Silver: Le Cacaotier  (France) - Madagascar Sambirano 72%

Silver: Legast  (Belgium) - Dark Vallée des Incas 80%

Silver: Lidka Chocolate  (Czech Republic) - 100% Tmavá čokoláda

+ Gold: 100%

Silver: Lurve  (Saudi Arabia) - Lurve

Silver: Meybol Cacao  (Germany) - Piura 72%

Silver: Pott au Chocolat  (Germany) - Carabello 70%

Silver: Shoukâ Chamonix  (France) - Philippines 73% cacao

Silver: Shoukâ Chamonix  (France) - Tanzanie 70% cacao

Silver: Solkiki Chocolatemaker  (United Kingdom) - Chuncho - Cusco 70

Silver: Standout Chocolate  (Sweden) - Single Origin Belize Maya Mountain 70%

Silver: Standout Chocolate  (Sweden) - Single Origin Guatemala Lachuá 70%

Silver: Standout Chocolate  (Sweden) - Single Origin India Idukki 70%

Silver: Taman Artisan Chocolates  (Croatia) - Philippines, Mana Davao, 74%

Silver: Zoto  (Belgium) - Ganzo 75% ( * Chocolatoa)

Bronze: 20°NORD 20°SUD  (France) - Paquibato 75% Philippines

Bronze: 20°NORD 20°SUD  (France) - Zorzal 74% Republique Dominicane

Bronze: AHERZ  (Austria) - Sierra Nevada 72%

Bronze: Ajala Chocolate  (Czech Republic) - Uganda

Bronze: Ara Chocolat  (France) - Porcelana 70%

Bronze: Casa Cacao | El Celler de Can Roca  (Spain) - Dark Chocolate Origin Bar 70% Piura

Bronze: Castelanne  (France) - Venezuela Ocumare Aragua

Bronze: Chocolatoa  (Belgium) - Ecuador Nacional Finca Garyth 75%

Bronze: Chocolatoa  (Belgium) - India Idukki Go Ground Kerala 70%

Bronze: Chocolatoa  (Belgium) - Madagascar Bejofo Åkkesons Sambirano 80%

Bronze: Depetris Riccardo / Depetris...i Ciculaté  (Italy) - Cioccolato del Monviso - Alternative 70%

Bronze: Depetris Riccardo / Depetris...i Ciculaté  (Italy) - Cioccolato del Monviso Peru-Piura 75%

Bronze: Donna Elvira  (Italy) - Colombia Betulia B9

Bronze: Dos Estaciones - Cacao & Chocolate  (Germany) - 85% Single Farm Chocolate

Bronze: Duffy's  (United Kingdom) - Duffy's Philippines South Cotabato 70%

Bronze: E5 Bakehouse  (United Kingdom) - E5 Bakehouse Chocolate 75% Tanzania

Bronze: Essenzo Cacao  (Spain) - Ecuador Hacienda Victoria 85%

Bronze: Essenzo Cacao  (Spain) - Madagascar Akesson 72%

Bronze: Fjåk Chocolate  (Norway) - 68% dark India

Bronze: Fjåk Chocolate  (Norway) - 70% dark Tanzania

Bronze: Fjåk Chocolate  (Norway) - 70% dark Uganda

Bronze: Garçoa Chocolate  (Switzerland) - Garçoa Idukki 78% BIO

Bronze: Harrer Chocolat  (Hungary) - Peru Chuncho 100%

Bronze: Harrer Chocolat  (Hungary) - Peru Chuncho 70%

Bronze: Kaitxo  (Spain) - TANZANIA KAMILI 75%

Bronze: La Brigaderie de Paris  (France) - Bahia Camboa 70%

Bronze: Lady Merveilles  (France) - Chocolat Noir 75% De Cacao Bresil

Bronze: Lidka Chocolate  (Czech Republic) - Tata Duende 70%

Bronze: Lidka Chocolate  (Czech Republic) - Tmavá čokoláda 65%

Bronze: Lidka Chocolate  (Czech Republic) - Tmavá čokoláda 80%

Bronze: LIM Chocolate  (Italy) - Gran Nativo Blanco 70%

Bronze: LIM Chocolate  (Italy) - Nacional 72%

Bronze: LOMI Schokolade  (Germany) - Madagascar Rübenzucker 70%

Bronze: Meybol Cacao  (Germany) - Chuncho Collection N°3

Bronze: Pott au Chocolat  (Germany) - Arhuaco 75%

Bronze: Rookyto  (France) - Noir 65%

Bronze: Schell Schokoladen  (Germany) - Porcelana

Bronze: Sense Chocolate  (Belgium) - Congo - Mayuano - 85%

Bronze: Standout Chocolate  (Sweden) - Single Origin Peru Urubamba 70%

Bronze: Standout Chocolate  (Sweden) - Single Origin Uganda Semuliki Forest 70%

Bronze: Taman Artisan Chocolates  (Croatia) - Indonesia, West Papua, Ransiki 72%

Bronze: Txoko Chocolate  (Spain) - 67% Txokolate Beltza

Bronze: xoco  (Kuwait) - El-salvador by xoco

Bronze: xoco  (Kuwait) - philippines by xoco

+ Gold: Organic

Plain/origin milk chocolate bars

Gold: Vigdis Rosenkilde  (Norway) - 60% Dark milk chocolate ( * Cacaosuyo / Theobroma Inversiones SAC)

+ Gold: Direct Traded

Silver: PERÚ PURO Chuncho Gold  (Germany) - Chuncho Gold Grand Cru 52% ( * Max Felchlin AG)

+ Gold: Organic

Bronze: Chocolaterie Morin  (France) - Pérou Cusco Lait 48%

Bronze: Friis-Holm Chokolade  (Denmark) - Dark Milk 65%

Bronze: Tobago Estate Chocolates  (Sweden) - Laura ( * Pralus)

Micro-batch - Plain/origin milk chocolate bars

Gold: Chocolatier Reen  (Belgium) - Madagascar Milk 55% ( * Chocolatoa)

Gold: Krak  (Netherlands) - Krak - Colombia - Sierra Nevada 55%

+ Gold: Chocolate Maker

Silver: Casa Cacao | El Celler de Can Roca  (Spain) - Goat Mik Chocolate Bar 55% Hac.Victoria

Silver: Cinta Chocolate  (Belgium) - 55% Bali dark milk chocolate

Silver: DESEO Chocolate  (Poland) - Dominican Republic Zorzal 52%

Silver: Fjåk Chocolate  (Norway) - 60% dark milk Madagascar

+ Gold: Organic

Silver: La Fèverie by Hasnaâ  (France) - Uganda Rwenzori Forest Dark Milk 60%

Silver: Lidka Chocolate  (Czech Republic) - Mléčná čokoláda 50%

Silver: Lidka Chocolate  (Czech Republic) - Velbloudí čokoláda

Silver: Pott au Chocolat  (Germany) - Udzungwa 49%

Silver: Shoukâ Chamonix  (France) - Tanzanie 60% cacao

Silver: Standout Chocolate  (Sweden) - Dark Milk Madagascar Sambirano 60%

Bronze: La Fèverie by Hasnaâ  (France) - Philippines Paquibato Dark milk 60%

Bronze: Lidka Chocolate  (Czech Republic) - Ovčí čokoláda 50%

Bronze: Lyra  (Slovakia) - Bolivia Rainforest 40%

Bronze: Lyra  (Slovakia) - Taisha 40%

Bronze: Pott au Chocolat  (Germany) - Piura Blanco 49%

Bronze: Puchero  (Spain) - 55% Colombia Finca Betulia with milk

Bronze: Standout Chocolate  (Sweden) - Dark Milk Haiti Cap-Haïtien 60%

Bronze: Standout Chocolate  (Sweden) - Dark Milk India Idukki 60%

Bronze: Txoko Chocolate  (Spain) - 54% Txokolate Esnearekin

Plain/origin chocolate bars with alternative ingredients

Silver: Chocolat Madagascar  (Madagascar) - Vegan Blanc

Silver: Depetris Riccardo / Depetris...i Ciculaté  (Italy) - ciocco(s)latte - Depetri i Ciculatè

Silver: Rookyto  (France) - Lait d'Amande

Silver: Solkiki Chocolatemaker  (United Kingdom) - Cashew Milk 49

+ Special: Vegan

Bronze: Aruntam - Sensory Chocolate  (Italy) - 90% Virgin Ecuador&Coconut Blossom Sugar

+ Special: High %

Bronze: Cococaravan  (United Kingdom) - Arturo - 75 %

Bronze: Standout Chocolate  (Sweden) - Coconut Milk 60%

Plain/origin white chocolate bars

Gold: Lady Merveilles  (France) - Blanc doré

Silver: Chocolaterie Morin  (France) - Pérou Chanchamayo Blanc 40%

Silver: Chocolaterie Morin  (France) - Venezuela Puerto Cabello Blanc 40%

Bronze: Chocolaterie Morin  (France) - Madagascar Sambirano Blanc 40%

Bronze: Chocolaterie Morin  (France) - République Dominicaine Yamasà Blanc 40%

Bronze: Friis-Holm Chokolade  (Denmark) - White 40% organic

Bronze: Nittedal Sjokoladefabrikk  (Norway) - Karamellisert hvit

Flavoured bars

Dark chocolate bars with an infusion or flavouring

Gold: Standout Chocolate  (Sweden) - Nordic Nature Spruce Shoots (**)

Silver: Casa Cacao | El Celler de Can Roca  (Spain) - The Macallan Dark Chocolate Bar 70% (**)

+ Special: Cacao flavoring/aging

Silver: Chocolaterie Morin  (France) - Basilic - Pérou Chanchamayo 63% (**)

Silver: Fjåk Chocolate  (Norway) - 60% dark & Norwegian gin (**)

Silver: Friis-Holm Chokolade  (Denmark) - Nicaliso Green Cinnamon (**)

+ Special: Reinterpretation

Silver: Karuna Chocolate  (Italy) - Edelschwarz Gin infused dark 75% (**)

Silver: Le Cacaotier  (France) - Cameroun Tonka 72% (**)

Silver: Puchero  (Spain) - Castilla Pine Nuts 50% (**)

Silver: Rookyto  (France) - Flouve (**)

+ Special: Local ingredients

Silver: S T R A N G E R craft chocolate  (Ukraine) - Dominican Republic 70% (**)

Silver: S T R A N G E R craft chocolate  (Ukraine) - Tanzania 70% (**)

Silver: Vintage Plantations Chocolates  (Sweden) - Nordic Chocolate 65% Bilberry (**)

Bronze: Chocolala  (Estonia) - 70% bean to bar chocolate with tangerine (**)

Bronze: Chocolaterie Morin  (France) - Romarin - Pérou Chanchamayo 63%

Bronze: LABYs  (Sweden) - Raspberry 60% (**)

Bronze: Rookyto  (France) - Cafe Noisette (**)

Bronze: S T R A N G E R craft chocolate  (Ukraine) - Chocolate 64% (**)

Bronze: S T R A N G E R craft chocolate  (Ukraine) - Venezuela Sur del Lago 74% (**)

Bronze: Shoukâ Chamonix  (France) - Cameroun 70% cacao - gingembre (**)

Bronze: Standout Chocolate  (Sweden) - Nordic Nature European Blueberry (**)

Bronze: Standout Chocolate  (Sweden) - Nordic Nature Porcini (**)

Bronze: Vintage Plantations Chocolates  (Sweden) - Nordic Chocolate 70% Arctic Raspberry (**)

Dark chocolate bars with inclusions or pieces

Gold: Dos Estaciones - Cacao & Chocolate  (Germany) - 60% with Basque Chili and Rosemary (**)

Silver: DESEO Chocolate  (Poland) - Nicaragua Kubaly 70% with Nibs (**)

Silver: Friis-Holm Chokolade  (Denmark) - Medagla Soy (**)

+ Special: Innovation

Silver: La Brigaderie de Paris  (France) - Feijoada (**)

Silver: Puchero  (Spain) - 75% Philippines Paquibato with nibs

Silver: Puchero  (Spain) - Butter Croissant 48% (**)

Silver: Rookyto  (France) - Birdseed (**)

Silver: Rookyto  (France) - Pin au Chocolat (**)

Silver: Solkiki Chocolatemaker  (United Kingdom) - Samphire 67 (**)

+ Special: Local ingredients

Bronze: AHERZ  (Austria) - Kürbiskern Orange 61% Vegan (**)

Bronze: AHERZ  (Austria) - Meersalz Nibs 73% Vegan (**)

Bronze: AHERZ  (Austria) - Sanddorn Nibs 66% Vegan (**)

Bronze: Ajala Chocolate  (Czech Republic) - Cacao Nibs (**)

Bronze: Ajala Chocolate  (Czech Republic) - Oranges & Blossoms (**)

Bronze: Aruntam - Sensory Chocolate  (Italy) - 70% Dark - Sale Dolce Di Cervia & Nibs (**)

Bronze: Michel Cluizel  (France) - Tablette Grand cru Grué de cacao Noir 70

Bronze: Mirzam Chocolate makers  (United Arab Emirates) - 62% Dark Chocolate With Halwa (**)

Bronze: Vigdis Rosenkilde  (Norway) - 70% Piura with nibs

Dark chocolate bars with a filling

Gold: Guido Castagna  (Italy) - Mes Gianduja Fondendte

+ Special: Naked

+ Special: Local ingredients

Silver: Aruntam - Sensory Chocolate  (Italy) - Dark Gianduja 44% Tanzania&Nocc.Prem.Igp (**)

+ Special: Vegan

Silver: Aruntam - Sensory Chocolate  (Italy) - Dark Gianduja 45% Ecuador&Nocc.Piem.Igp (**)

Silver: Guido Castagna  (Italy) - Cento + Giuinott

Milk chocolate bars with an infusion or flavouring

Gold: Friis-Holm Chokolade  (Denmark) - O'Payo Milk 50% Sansho (**)

+ Special: Gastronomic

Silver: Fjåk Chocolate  (Norway) - 45% milk & Norwegian wild mushroom (**)

Silver: Harrer Chocolat  (Hungary) - Kaffir Lime - Lemongrass Milk Chocolate (**)

Silver: Krak  (Netherlands) - Krak - Juniper berrie 55% milk

Silver: Lurka chocolate  (Spain) - 45% milk Café de olla (**)

Silver: Solkiki Chocolatemaker  (United Kingdom) - Cherryleaf Tea 65 (**)

Silver: Solkiki Chocolatemaker  (United Kingdom) - Olive Wood - Smoked 62 (**)

Silver: Solkiki Chocolatemaker  (United Kingdom) - Orangewood - Smoked 62 (**)

+ Special: Cacao flavoring/aging

Silver: Solkiki Chocolatemaker  (United Kingdom) - Raspberry Anise 49 (**)

Silver: Utopick Cacao  (Spain) - Wild Pepper (**)

+ Special: Ingredients

Bronze: Fjåk Chocolate  (Norway) - 50% milk Guatemala & liquorice root (**)

Bronze: Solkiki Chocolatemaker  (United Kingdom) - Bourbon - Smoked 64 (**)

Milk chocolate bars with inclusions or pieces

Gold: Fjåk Chocolate  (Norway) - Caramelised milk & Brown cheese (**)

+ Special: Local ingredients

Silver: Fjåk Chocolate  (Norway) - 45% milk nibs & oak smoked salt (**)

Silver: Fjåk Chocolate  (Norway) - Mountain trip (**)

Silver: Friis-Holm Chokolade  (Denmark) - O'Payo 50% Milk Liquorice (**)

Silver: Solkiki Chocolatemaker  (United Kingdom) - Somerset Pomona Nibs 60 (**)

+ Special: Alcohol

Silver: Tobago Estate Chocolates  (Sweden) - Sea Salt

Silver: Vigdis Rosenkilde  (Norway) - 40% Piura Blanco cacao w/ crunchy quinoa

Bronze: DESEO Chocolate  (Poland) - Darkmilk 52% with caramelized pecan nuts (**)

Bronze: Friis-Holm Chokolade  (Denmark) - O'Payo Milk 50% Milk Hazelnut (**)

Bronze: Michel Cluizel  (France) - Tablette Grand Cru Noisettes Lait 48%

Bronze: Pump Street Chocolate  (United Kingdom) - Croissant Bar 62%

Milk chocolate bars with a filling

Bronze: Solkiki Chocolatemaker  (United Kingdom) - Brazil Nut 54 (**)

White chocolate bars with an infusion or flavouring

Gold: Fjåk Chocolate  (Norway) - Carrot cake (**)

+ Special: Innovation

Silver: AHERZ  (Austria) - Erdbeerweiss 37% (**)

Silver: AHERZ  (Austria) - Himbeerweiss 35% (**)

+ Special: Classic

Silver: Audaces  (France) - Blanc Faham (**)

Silver: Chocolala  (Estonia) - Nordic lingonberry chocolate (**)

Silver: Fjåk Chocolate  (Norway) - Matcha tea & sea buckthorn (**)

Silver: Solkiki Chocolatemaker  (United Kingdom) - Cherryleaf Latte 39 (**)

Silver: Solkiki Chocolatemaker  (United Kingdom) - Star Anisey Night 40 (**)

Bronze: LABYs  (Sweden) - Berry to bar Billberry (**)

Bronze: LABYs  (Sweden) - Berry to bar Strawberry (**)

White chocolate bars with inclusions or pieces

Gold: DESEO Chocolate  (Poland) - Pistachio crunchy (**)

Bronze: Aruntam - Sensory Chocolate  (Italy) - Caramelized White Chocolate 46% (**)

Bronze: Karuna Chocolate  (Italy) - White toasted almond with orange & nibs (**)

Bronze: Nittedal Sjokoladefabrikk  (Norway) - White Meadowsweet (**)

Ingredients from cacao

Cocoa Powder

Gold: Chocolaterie Morin  (France) – Poudre Madagascar Sambirano 100%

Silver: Chocolaterie Morin  (France) - Poudre Pérou Chanchamayo 100%

Bronze: Chocolaterie Morin  (France) - Poudre République Dominicaine 100%

Cocoa Butter

Gold: Chocolaterie Morin  (France) - Beurre Pérou Chanchamayo

Bronze: Chocolaterie Morin  (France) - Beurre Madagascar Sambirano

National awards

Given to Grand Jury finalists when there are 10 or more entries from one country in a category

Plain/origin dark chocolate bars

Gold – Danish: Friis-Holm Chokolade  (Denmark) - Chuno 70% Double Turned

Gold – French: Chocolaterie Morin  (France) - Pérou Chanchamayo 63%

Gold – German: Meybol Cacao  (Germany) - Solo Kakao 90%

Micro-batch - Plain/origin dark chocolate bars

Gold – Belgian: Chocolatoa  (Belgium) - Tanzania Kokoa Kamili 80%

Gold – British: Duffy's  (United Kingdom) - Duffy's Guatemala Rio Dulce 70%

Gold – Czech: Lidka Chocolate  (Czech Republic) - 100% Tmavá čokoláda

Gold – German: Meybol Cacao  (Germany) - Piura 72%

Gold – Italian: Depetris Riccardo / Depetris...i Ciculaté  (Italy) - Cioccolato del Monviso - Madagascar 68%

Gold – Spanish: Essenzo Cacao  (Spain) - Uganda Semuliki 80%

Gold – Swedish: Standout Chocolate  (Sweden) - Single Origin Belize Maya Mountain 70%

Micro-batch - Plain/origin milk chocolate bars

Gold – French: Shoukâ Chamonix  (France) - Tanzanie 60% cacao

(*)  Declared chocolate maker for private label bars.

(**) Winner has declared the product is made with their own bean-to-bar chocolate or couverture.

Ukraine conflict

Due to the ongoing situation in Ukraine, the following companies have winning entries in this competition that have been suspended until further notice. They will not be eligible for the 2022 World Final, but may be admitted in a future season.

  • Amazing Cacao
  • Bean to bar chocolate MaRussia
  • Prime Chocolate
  • Vento d’Oro

The International Chocolate Awards aims to support the whole craft chocolate community, wherever they are and regrets the need to make this decision at this time.